Al parecer mi computadora tuvo algunos problemas con su conexión a internet, y luego de haber realizado una restauración del sistema, todo quedó mejor que antes, donde incluso aproveché para actualizar mis programas y avanzar a varios trabajos, siendo este uno de ellos.
No es un secreto para todos ustedes que la serie "Hora de avnetura" (Adventure Time) tiene una cantidad asombrosa de personajes explotables, por lo que tomé a Susan Strong y a dos hyoomanas con las que tuvo una aventura, Celina y Sally quienes ahora, para celebrar su triunfo, llevan las cosas a otro nivel...
It seems my computer had some troubles with its internet connectivity, and after have realized a system restoration, everything get better than never, even I could upgrade my programs and advance a bit with some works, being this one of them.
It's not a secret for all of you the series Adventure Time has an amazing bunchs of exploitable characters, then I took Susan Strong and two hyoomans which had and adventure with her, Celina and Sally who know, in order to celebrate their trump, they are taking the things to the next level...