martes, 10 de abril de 2018

On the river

Tras haber subido un dibujo de Pereza en mi Tumblr, el cuál les recomiendo ver, aquí les dejo otro de mis viejos bocetos de Shanti, quien se preparar para darse un chapuzón refrescante en el río...

After have uploaded a pic on Sloth in my Tumblr, which I recommend check, here I give you another old sketch on Shanti, who is getting ready for a refreshing dive on the river...

2 comentarios:

  1. You know I prefer Mowgli, but seeing this drawing, I have to admit Shanti is a hot girl, and I'm sure she would be happy to have some fun with a boy.
    Whew, it's hot today. I think I could undress and take a bath in the river. << Hello Shanti, are you here too? Don't you mind if I keep you company? >>


    1. Certainly she is comrade.

      And that wouldn't be a surprise, after all, it's impossible ignore her...


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