Hola a todos.
Pues lo hice de nuevo, me ausenté, pero por desgracia, fue por causas que están fuera de mi alcance; mucho trabajo, un cómic que ya está publicado y del que luego les daré detalles, etc. Pero ya saben, mis lápices y yo, siempre estaremos ahí, por todos ustedes.
Y ya que tenía algo pendiente con Mowgli, no podía dejar este dibujo así como así, por lo que me puse a trabajar en el poco tiempo que tuve; así que, ¿que le sucedió al cachorro humano?, bueno, sea lo que sea, sin dudas alguien se divirtió con el, ¿no les parece?, je, je, je...
Hello to everyone.
So, I did it again, I get absent for a time, but, this time, sadly due circumstances beyond my influence; tons of work, a published comic which I'll give you details, later, and etc. But you know, me and my pencils will be here for all of you.
And, as I have something remaining with Mowgli, I couldn't let this pic unfinished like that, so I started to work on it in the few time I get; so, what happened to the mancub?, well, whatever is was, no doubts someone had plenty fun with him, don't you think?, je, je, je...
Mowgli is very cute. I'm sure he had had a lot of fun. I would like to be the lucky guy who had fun with Mowgli.
Hi comrade.
BorrarI was sure you're gonna like it, and I'm sure the guy whi played with him, really enjoyed, just check the Mowgli's face to know.
I Hope you can still visit my galleries, I'll try to finish the job stuff to upload some works here, included the project. See ya...
Hello. I've seen your new image: Mowgli having fun with monkeys. Mowgli is a very horny boy... and those monkeys are well-endowed. I'm sure they are having a lot of fun, and they don't want to stop.
BorrarI'm ready to go. To rescue him? No! To have fun with them, too!
Hello again comrade.
BorrarIt was a fun request, and after think about the scene, that was the result, you know, the mon keys are always eager to play...